Tag - terrorism

Travel and Terrorism

A couple of days ago I booked a last minute flight to Paris for this next weekend. My plan was to visit the Christmas markets in eastern France and make my way down the Rhine River to visit the Christmas markets. The day after I booked my ticket almost 150 people were brutally murdered in Paris by Islamic terrorists. My friends  have been calling...

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Quit Panicking and Go Somewhere Fun

I travel to a different country almost every month.  The places I choose are not usually on any of my friends’ top ten lists because they don’t really know anyone else who has been there or sometimes whether it’s even a real place . I might as well tell them that I’m going to Atlantis or Camelot, or Asgard… . The hard truth is most...

Are You Safe Traveling in a Muslim Country?

Every time I post on Facebook that I’m headed to Dubai or Oman or anything with the letter “Q” in it, I immediately start receiving warnings and words of caution from my friends about where I’m going. At the moment of this writing, a handful of people have met their demise at the hands of a terrorist group called ISIS. Trust me, I’m...