Tag - monkeys

Costa Rica- Friendly Central America

You can’t go wrong with a vacation in Costa Rica. It’s only a few hours from the US, has a stable economy and its reputation is squeaky clean. It hasn’t been involved in any recent wars, terrorism isn’t an issue and most people speak at least a little English. I got invited to stay at the new Planet Hollywood Resort this week, and my visit was...

Eat,Love,Visit Bali

When I tell my friends about Bali, their eyes glaze over like I’m talking about visiting Mars or Timbuktu. Bali conjures up exotic images of crystal blue waters, dancers, temples and seems so far away. Well, yes it is far away, but it’s not that expensive to get to, and once you’re there, you’ll want to keep coming back. Bali has it all. Now is the perfect time to go...