We arrived at Shanghai Disney 30 minutes before it opened, but the crowds of Chinese tourists were already gathering by the trainload. The Happiest Place on Earth had expanded its universe to Shanghai a few years ago and business was booming. I was more than a little curious how Disney would fare in the Far East. Would Chinese kids recognize Mickey...
I’m sitting in an airport of a country you’ve probably never heard of. It’s the newest country in Asia. It became independent in 2002 after a 26 year bloody struggle with Indonesia. I’m talking about Timor-Leste, also known as East Timor.Timor is one of the eastern-most islands in Indonesia and means “east” in the native language. So, East Timor translates to “East...
I had been obsessing about snapping some photos of Brunei’s most famous denizens, the Proboscis monkeys. Besides the fact that I’m fascinated by one of the weirdest creatures on the planet, I could hardly wait to visit The Royal Kingdom of Brunei to tag my 172nd country. There’s always been something mysterious to me about this little monarchy sandwiched together...