Author - Bill Wiatrak

The Golden Triangle of Art

It was a few minutes after 1:00 pm and I was sitting in the oldest restaurant in the world. I’d been sampling a glass of tinto and munching on green beans and suckling pig. Hemingway wrote about it in several of his novels and Sobrino de Botin is in the Guinness Book of World Records for being the oldest continually running restaurant in the world (since 1725)...

In Van Gogh’s Footsteps

As the car pulled out,I waited until the last possible moment to run through the gate so the driver wouldn’t see me. I half expected an alarm to sound. There were lots of cameras. Who sneaks into an insane asylum? Okay, I’ll admit, I wouldn’t normally do such a thing, especially if I wasn’t even sure if I’d be able to get out. But, truthfully, this was no normal...

Keeping Your Hotels Interesting

WHY STAY SOMEWHERE ORDINARY? It was almost midnight at the palace where we were staying. The ancient wooden floors creaked with each step as we slowly navigated our way through the dim halls and centuries-old parlors. It was the perfect setting for a ghostly photo shoot. The room we had booked was even grander than the opulent chateau’s common spaces. The bed wasn’t...

How to get to Papua new guinea

Going “Dutch” on Holland America Unspoiled Beaches in Papua New Guinea Photo: Bill Wiatrak Papua New Guinea is one of the most remote islands on the planet and has often been described as “the last frontier” by travel aficionados. The first time I saw photos of this exotic country, I was instantly intrigued. It appeared to be a country untouched by tourism and time...

Diving the ss coolidge

MY BUCKET LIST DIVE IN VANUATU WWII remains at Million Dollar Point Photo: Bill Wiatrak The waves lashed against brown bits of twisted metal that were almost indistinguishable from the rocks. I could make out a wheel, an axle, possibly the remains of a truck… 80 years of salt water had smoothed most of the WW II military equipment dumped by the Americans into...