I’m the Traveling Wizard and I want to teach you how to travel the world!

Did you know that only 3% of Americans travel internationally each year?
Why do you think that is? The world is a fun exciting place full of amazing adventures..
Some think that it’s dangerous to travel. They think that they’re going to get robbed or terrorists are going to blow up their hotel.
Some think that travel is only for those with lots of money.
Some are even afraid they won’t be able to communicate because they don’t speak the language..
And for those of you who are the 3% that get out of the country, many of you stay in one place or book a package trip where your every move is planned by someone else….
How would you feel about just taking off? Think of a place that you want to go, and then go there… How do you think that would feel?! I know that feeling well because I do it regularly and I want to show you how you can do the same thing. I’m not saying everything always works out perfect, but I can tell you that you’ll have amazing stories to tell your friends and you’ll learn all about this wonderful world we live in..

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